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Discourses on the History of Archaeology

The History of Stratigraphic Excavation In Latin American Archaeology: A New Look

  • Daniel Schavelzon


Allow me to do some history of archaeology. In 1984 and jointly with Jaime Litvak King we organized a congress that gathered at the UNAM. Mexico, with the purpose of paying homage to Ignacio Bemal called "The History of Archaeology in Mexico". On that occasion my paper raised heated controversies, as it revised the origins of stratigraphy in Mexico, a country in which the image of Manuel Gamio was highly respected and admired, while William Holmes, in those days, happened to be a perfect nobody.
Year: 1999
Volume: 9 Issue: 2
Page/Article: 1-10
DOI: 10.5334/bha.09202
Published on Nov 29, 1999
Peer Reviewed